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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Archie Asleson

Archie Asleson had a medium Birch tree in his front yard that had 3 section to it. This was a simple take down but a fun one. It was one of the first cool days in Oct 2005 and the sun was bright and the sky was blue. This was one of those "you never know" jobs. Archie was a really nice guy and we had a lot of fun with him. Over the next year he provided us with several major jobs from his friends and relatives.  


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Birch Tree

Archie had a medium sized birch tree in the front yard. Aaron climbed it to control how it fell to avoid the possibillity of dammage to surronding trees and/or the house.

Free Fall

All of the limbs were "free felled" or cut and dropped without ropes. But the were cut in a way that they were directed into a safe landing zone.

Open Spaces

There were plenty of open spaces around the tree so roping was not necessary. Only around the house side was it a little difficult.


Cutting the tops off some of the branches lessens the distance they fall from the tree.


Even though he appears to be at the top of the biggest tree in the woods, he is only about ten feet off the ground... height does not lessen the danger as anyone who has tried to use a chainsaw on a ladder will tell you!

Large Wood

This may look easy (at ten feet) but this wood is heavy and these methods are only for those that are trained in them.

Don't Try This

As Archie will tell you, just because it is a small tree does not mean you can not get hurt. Don't forget the basic law of the woods... "CHAINSAWS AND LADDERS DO NOT PLAY WELL WITH EACH OTHER"!!

Another Illusion

A small branch at the top of a tree is much bigger than you think. It can kill when it falls with impact that can drive it's branches, like a knive, into your lawn up to 6 inches deep.

Finishing a Stick

Once the branches are off the stick is taken down in chunks. Archie wanted the wood cut in lengths for firewood.


The day was overcast and most of the shots were silhouettes.


Taking the top off the stick


Aaron after cutting off a chunk of the stick is climbing down and setting up to cut the next chunk off.

Climbing Down

Clumbing down and adjusting the flip line. The knot in the flip line is such that it can slip if pulled by a full hand. When he grabs it with his entire hand he can move the knot and enlarge the line around the tree

Taking a Break

Getting ready to make the next cut.


Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

Author Info Copyright 2004