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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Goods From The Woods

As part of our "winter off time" we plan to do handmade crafts that we can use to supplement our slow income. However, so far we have not had our "off time" to do this. But as we do find the time we will provide crafts such as clocks, pen sets, pen holders and tables that use a polyester resin plastic cover. In addition to this we would also like to learn the art of chainsaw carving. These handmade items make super gifts and attractive decorations for yourself.

As an update now five years down the road we still have not had the "off time" to establish our "Goods From The Woods". However we had establish a connection with a source, Albers Farm and Forest in Mezepa, MN. Albers has a logging, lumber and firewood business. As part of our relationship with Albers we have access to slabs of wood that we can use for clock, tables and pen sets.

Albers Farm & Forest

Below is a catalogue of items we plan to create. If you see something you like we may be able to provide you with something now. Contact us to find out.  Contact Us




Pen Holders & Sets

Tables & Furniture

Chainsaw Carving (not completed)

Wood Slabs - Table

From Albers Farm & Forest (not completed)

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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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