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The MultiTrac has an attachment that we use for blowing show. It is a two stage hydraulic blower that can handle the deepest and heaviest snow the season can throw at it. We also have no trouble digging through the packed mess the lovely snowplow leaves at the end of each of our customer's driveway. Being 4' wide the blower generally needs to make only one pass on a residential sidewalk to clear all the snow from the walk.

In winter we are still able to remove trees but generally have more days down due to snow and cold. Time on the job is much less due to shorter daylight hours and due to the deep snow combined with wind and cold. To supplement the winter income we started doing some shoveling and snow blowing of residential, small businesses and apartment complexes.

In (2006) we only did a couple of apartment building parking lots as we carried at least two weeks of work at all times and really did not have time to do snow removal. In 2007 we started to pick up a couple of residential accounts as we figured out we could do the plowing since tree removal could not be done after a snow storm. We were beginning to settle in on the tree removal and felt we could branch out a little more now.

In 2008 we expanded our snow blowing accounts as Aaron was help out being layoff from fencing and due to the agreement with Home Town Tree, we were not doing as many tree removals. Those tree removals we did usually involved Home Town Tree as our company strategy had changed to eliminate our license and insurance. We now rely on Home Town as a contractor and they carried the license and insurance. The expansion of the winter accounts was enough to get us through, paying bills and keeping equipment running. Next year we plan to  expand our accounts again to fill  out our capacity.

Many jobs I do I am accused of doing  "a little too extra", more than most companies. But, I get irritated by companies that trade off service for speed and money. Some "Snow Removal" services refuse to shovel sidewalks for example. To me this indicates a company that wants to plow the driveway (the easy money) then move on to the next one. This is not SNOW REMOVAL! This is a "HIT AND RUN" ... a "WHAM BAM".  It's a company that is looking for the easy buck, not looking to provide a service.

Guess I am old school here, broke, but old school.

When our company does snow removal we do the sidewalks, the driveways, the steps (front and back), around garbage cans, the walk through (from the sidewalk to the street) and even blow the parking areas in front of the house. If there is a mail box in the street we will blow the snow around and within 25 feet of the box so the postal service has good access to it.

click on any image below to enlarge it

Heavy Snow

This is heavy, wet snow, late in the season. The blower can throw snow about 30'.

Two Stage

It is a two stage, hydraulic blower.

Look Out Dog

The dog was OK. All the controls for the discharge shut are from a switch box mounted on the right side of the dash.

Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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