Landon Tree and Stump Removal Services, LLC  Your Yard Our Gym 
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First Climb - Miller Job

The first job for Landon Tree And Stump Removal that required Aaron to climb was the "Miller" job.  This job was the first major climb for our company. It involved 3 trees but only one had to be climbed. It was early in our learning curve and we would have done the job totally different today, but this job was a milestone for Landon Tree And Stump Removal Service in perfecting the arborist techniques we had been studying. This job involved removing three trees and stumps. Two trees from the front of the house and one from the back. We used the MultiTrac to carry the brush to the street as there was rain on and off during the week and the yard was very wet. We also used the bucket truck on another tree that was just off the driveway.  
Before: Tree #1
Before: Tree #2
Before: Tree #3
Start Of Climb
Hacking a way up
Slowly it goes
Are we almost there yet?
How does a flip line work under you?
Now we're going up
Getting the hang of this
Finally, a place to rest!
Almost there
High enough, now tie in the pulley
First tie me in
Poster Picture
Tie in the pulley
Tie off first limb
Many Limbs Missing Now
Going to the top
Just tie it off and cut it .... right
Shift of wind, pinch the saw...trouble
Hand saw to the rescue
Something is missing besides the limb!
It is a little hard to see from here
But now you can see. Close call with the last branch!
Working our way down
One chunk at a time
after and other
they fall....
Until the limb is down and we can start on the next one
Look whats back!
Break time
Back to work
More wood down
Another poster
Big chuncks ...
com'in down
Hold on for a wild ride
Last pole
The Stump - 5 minutes in
Big cut - American Ash
Mak'in chips
Full Cut
Multi-Trac and Grinder
Chip Cage
About 10 minutes
Always resting ....
after a hard climb
Aaron grinding the stump
Big chips
Stump one foot under
Front of stump
Full cut
Com'in our way
Chips in our face
Chips in your face
Stump in foreground
Final Cuts
Trees Removed
The site after driving on it for 3 days with multi-trac and rainy weather
The finished site as the last truck departed
After: Tree #3

1 Year Later

Front of house a year later

Side Yard

Side yard one year later





Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

Author Info Copyright 2004