Landon Tree and Stump Removal Services, LLC  Your Yard Our Gym 
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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

First Job

Our first official job as Landon Tree And Stump Removal Services was just down the block from our house. It was great to start out being able to walk to work 

Our first job was a medium sized elm tree that was half dead. It was part of our neighborhood offer we made to the entire subdivision. Our offer was for a 25% discount on all trees we could use to develop our techniques and test our skills. This tree was a good tree to get started and get our process for tree removal established.

This was the only job we used a ladder on, by the way. We used the MultiTrac to grind the stumps and attempted to use a small chipper to chip bush but this proved to be way too slow. We got rid of it on the next job. We also used a lawn-vac to remove the last of the chips and debris from the yard. We continued to use this for most of the summer before we also abandoned this.

This tree would normally take us a couple hours to take down today but being our first job it took the full day. But hey we got it right and we had all our fingers and toes at the end of the day and that is what counts.


Leaving for our first job

Aaron pulling out of the driveway to go to our first official job as Landon Tree and Stump Removal Services. But the engine did not even get warm before he reached the first job... first house at the end of the culasac

There it is

Jerry, stares at the object of our first job as if wondering... "which end do we start on?"

Let's start with this one

Aaron is quick to get started as if he has been doing this for some time. Maybe he has just been thinking about it for so long that he just seems to know just what to do.

First cut

At least he seems to know exactly what to do and sets to work putting wood on the ground.

Half done

Aaron stops to admire his work as the rest of us struggle to clear the landing area around the tree.

Little Chipper

This is a chance to try out our little DR CHIPPER since we do not have all that much brush to chip.

Rick n chips

Rick working the DR CHIPPER

The Worksite

This picture is taken from our house. As you can see we are not too far away. This is good so we do not have too far to go when we discover tools that are not in the truck!

Last Pole

When all the limbs are down only the main pole is left.

Cutting to length

Now all we need to do is clean up the mess, even Aaron helps with that.

Almost done
Stump Removal

We have a problem with the stump grinder and had to come back about 2 weeks later to remove the stump.

Large Stump

It is a large elm stump that is alive and very hard wood.

Chip Catcher

First we erect a screen around three sides of the stump to catch the chips ejected by the spinning grinding wheel.

Three Panels

For this stump we are using only three panels. We could use up to six panels for large stumps.

Tarp on Top

A tarp over the top to prevent the wheel from throwing chips up in the air.

Bring in the grinder

The grinder is held up in the air with the blade down so the operator can see the blade while seated on the Multi-tract

New Design

This grinder is designed by Stonebrooke, the company that sells the Multi-trac. It is a fantastic grinder and has been a real work horse for our company.

First Cut

This is only about a half the cut the grinder is capable of making.

Couple of minutes of grinding
Chips collect at the back

Working the stump from the back to the front pervents the grinder from chattering on the stump but also provides a method of clearing the back portion of the screened area to collect wood chips and other debris.

Finishing the first pass
Second pass

Landon Tree and Stump Removal Services always grinds a stump to a foot below ground level and then fills it the hole with black dirt and spreeds grass seed on the dirt.

Checking the progress

Aaron digging the loose chips out of the hole to determine where the stump still needs to be ground.


Debris from the stump averages about 6 to 1

Clean out the site

Once the stump is ground up the debris is removed.

Several Buckets Full

This stump generated 4 buckets of debris.

Final Site

Once the debris is removed the sides of the site are removed so that there is no slope where the stump used to be. Black dirt is then used to fill the remaining hole in the site.

Lawn Vaccumum

One item Landon Tree and Stump Removal Services uses that most other services DO NOT is our lawn vacumm. After every job we use it to remove as much debris as possible and to restore the grass that has been trampled on during the job.

Notice were the vac was

As you can see in this picture where the lawn vac was used to restore grass that was crushed during the stump removal process.

Vacumming the site

The vac also has a built-in chipper for up to 3.5".

Add Black Dirt

The site is filled with black dirt

Seed is added
Final Site

The site as the last person left.




Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

Author Info Copyright 2004

Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

Author Info Copyright 2004