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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Tree Trimming


Landon Tree And Stump Removal Service provides a unique approach to tree trimming than other companies in our area. Many companies rely on the use of a climber or bucket truck to do the tree trimming. To us this works fine if the trimming is a couple of branches or they are large branches. If however you are shaping or thinning a tree, then there is a lot of moving that needs to be done by the bucket operator or climber. The truck needs to be moved and you need to drive on lawns.

The Landon Tree approach is to use an orchard ladder and pole saw. Our orchard ladder is 18' aluminum 3 legged ladder with a 4.5' base. This ladder is very stable no matter where you put it and can be easily handled by one person. With a 10' pole saw we can reach over 25' into any tree to do our trimming. This method is especially useful for trimming the ends of the branches that are difficult to reach by a climber.

The following job was done at Tom's house. Basically to remove any dead branches and low hanging branches over the roof and sidewalk. We used the orchard ladder and pole saw to reach all the areas of the tree that needed to be trimmed. Using this ladder is much faster than trying to climb the tree and maneuver using ropes in the tree. Jobs like this can not be done from a bucket as it is well off the road and up a steep grade.


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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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