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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Met SURJ our Guest "Arborist"
Surj is one of those customers you only seem to met once in a life time. He had such a pleasant attitude it was a pleasure to work for him. We went to take down Surj's Crab Apple tree after having "one of those days"! We had just put a push rod out through the block in our chipper and scoured the cylinder in one of our diesels. This meant a lot of repair work and down time, we were not in a good mood. Surj was such a relief we spent the rest of the day working for him on a job that should have taken about half the time.

We had most of the tree down, except one limb, when Surj arrived home . Surj said he would have hung around but did not think he would be of much help to us. I told him he could cut down the last limb and he yelled "Can I !!" as he ran into the house to change his clothes. But when he came back out only his smock was gone.

So next time you have surgery you may see your doctor come in with a chain saw instead of a scalpul!

For more pictures of this job see our photo album or






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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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