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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Lewis Job

Lewis job is one of the early jobs we did in our own neighborhood. Lewis' lived at the entrance of our sub-division so we really wanted to do this one as a "showcase" for our new company to the neighborhood. There were two very large willow trees in a sunken area that is encircled by the road and circle driveway. This job was the first job to really test the stump grinder. It worksite was basically a small wetland after heavy rains and the willows were planted to help soak up some of the water.

We did not get pictures of the take down of the trees but did get pictures of the stump removal. Being the early days of our company this removal took two days and the stumps took two days. The grinder is slow and eventually we decided to use a bigger grinder for jobs such as this and the MultiTrac grinder as a more precision grinder or for smaller jobs.


click on an image to enlarge

First Stump

This job requires two stumps that have surface roots covering a large area to be removed and back filled with black dirt.

Set up

The MultiTrac is set up to start grinding the first stump


Close-up view of the set up for removing the first stump


Engaging the grinding head to the stump.


First One Done

The first stump is completed.

Clean up

Using the bucket on the MultiTrac to shovel the chips into, it makes a great dust pan, huh?


A large hole remains after the stump and surface roots are removed.

Black Dirt

The last step is to back fill the hole with black dirt and grass seed.

Second Stump

The second stump is started

Half Way

Lots Of Chips

Grinding a stump is like popping pop corn. There is a mountain of chips produced compared to the size of the stump.

Switching Tools

Changing the stump grinder to the bucket to start cleanup.

Another Hole

The second stump is completed.

One Year Later

This is the job site one year later. The first stump is in the foreground and the second stump is about halfway back.

Reverse Veiw

This view is also a year later with the second stump in the foreground and the first stump halfway back. Note the yard is about three foot below the level of the road and driveway all the way around.



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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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