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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?


Oakwood Cemetery has begun to rely on us to remove their damaged and dangerous trees. The cemetery is a very old cemetery with a lot of very old trees which are in need of a lot of high aerial work to remove dead and hanging branches as well as dead trees. However, the cemetery does not have a large enough budget to do much beyond storm damage each year. By giving them moderate pricing in tree removal we have been able to handle storm damage as well as remove a couple of more seriously dangerous trees. The MultiTrac has been outstanding in this environment, a hazard riddled landscape with tight turning and maneuvering spaces.  


click on any image below to enlarge it


Old oak tree struch by lightening during a storm.


The MultiTrac with its articulating steering is ideal for maneuvering between the stones.


Picking up a load of logs. After cutting up the tree, the wood and brush was hauled to the street and placed in our trailer to be hauled away and chipped.

Main Log

View of the main part of the tree resting on a stone.

Side View

Another view of the tree showing how it fell across the row of stones.

Another Trip

MutiTrac going back to another load of brush and/or logs.

Hauling Out

Another load being hauled out. Notice by raising the load above the stones the MultiTrac could easily clear all the stones and maneuver between the stones easier.

Large Load

This is a large load but even the logs from the trunk of the tree was lifted by the MultiTrac and loaded into the trailer.

Between The Stones

MultiTrac hauling wood between the stones to the street.

Large Job

There were several trees down in the cemetary that took two days to cut, load and haul all the brush and wood.

Stick Left

"Stick" is refered to as the trunk of the tree without any branches. This is the part that is usually the "money" part of the tree or the part that can be sold. But not on this tree since it was blown out by the lightning.

This next set of pictures are of a dead tree we removed. We needed to use the jib to lower the upper branches and wood to avoid damage to the stones that were under the tree  


Using the jib we took the top and branches off and gently lowered them down to avoid damage to any stones


We did not damage anything in the cemetary, only a few dents in the grass


Last of the very top branches


Once the brush is off, the larger parts of the branches are then taken down. Again, they are swung over to a safe landing zone.


Then comes the big wood. Even though it is closer to the ground, there are old brittle stones and flat markers below it.


These too need to be lowered to a safe place


The lower you go the heavier the wood gets. The trunk was dropped as about a 10 foot log into a very narrow ally between stones.






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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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