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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?


This job was an old old Maple stump that was part of the original farm West of Highway 52 and North of 2nd St. The owner grew up on the farm and remembers the trees from his childhood. Taking them down was an emotional moment but the results made it more than worthwhile. The tree was creating a crowded condition that prevented other trees and plants from growing properly. It also limited the amount of light in front yard and in the house.

The bucket truck was used to take down the tree and the MultiTrac to load the brush and wood. The stump was much bigger than we would normally do now with the MultiTrac as it took about 4 hours to grind.

The daughter of the customer was there with one of her day care children. He sat on the front steps to watch us. We gave him a radio helmet and he told us every time a limb fell into the road, directed and asked us questions. We did get a break when he had to go potty !

Project Manager

Treyton Bryant 5 1/2


Start of job
Pile of brush
End of first day
Stump down
Big cut even for the "big dog"
Hard lift for mighty multiTrac
Just a little farther
Takes the big rig for the rest
All loaded
Setup to remove stump
Start grinding
Halfway on fist pass
View from the cockpit
Stump at ground level
Ready to remove chips
Big pile of chips
Start of second day
Almost done
Maxwell's with their X stump


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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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