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Beautiful Oak
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Looking for a Unique idea for storing firewood?

Beautiful Oak

It was an early Saturday morning as fall was just starting to set in with the sun just coming through the trees and not a cloud in the sky. The night had been cool and traces of frost and ice still lingered in the trees. There nestled in the clearing beyond the campfire were the skeleton remains of what once was a majestic oak...

Ok... so much for my attempts at writing a novel. But this job was some what like that. The tree was located on a wooded lot a couple hundred feet from the house (just left of the first picture). The only obstacles were the stone fire pit (not much could be damaged here) but on the left are cables that attach an antenna to the roof of the house. This antenna is several hundred feet high.

The tree had a slight lean to the wires and we wanted to make sure all would go according to plan. So we decided to take the limbs on the bottom and backside off before felling it. What a gorgeous day for it!

Aaron climbed the tree and dropped the lower limbs as he went. Then we dropped the felled of the tree nicely by the fire ring. This was a subcontract job so we only needed to get the tree on the ground and they would cut it up and remove it for the home owner.

UPDATE: about this time Aaron had given up the third line for climbing and was using just the flip line. He had succumbed to the "it's faster" attitude giving up the "it's safer" practicality. His argument being he almost went off the end of his rope over a couple of steel steaks on a job by Silver Lake. Would not have been good! So instead of tying a knot in the end he had lost his faith in the line and went with the flip line instead. This is not to knock Aaron here at all, just a note to anyone who may be wonder why or is thinking about using just the flip line. We do not recommend it. (see three point system)



click on any image below to enlarge it  

This picture shows the tree without the lower branches. Just before we dropped it but shows the location. It had a FULL lower section

A hug before cutting
Start of climb

Some of the obstacles around the fire pit in the background

Clearing lower branches
Beautiful Day

Sun just coming through the trees was just right. Air was cool, no clouds, blue sky... perfect picture day...

Slowly it goes

Heavy lower growth makes it hard to get to the lower branches with just a flip line. Maybe a climbing line?

Finally something solid
Now we are there

Getting to the lower branches. Notice the cables in the background to the antenna

 Good day for pictures

But it irritates Aaron when I am taking pictures and he is having problems with a foot hold  :-)

Lower Branches

Finally into the lower branches. You can see that the tree is very full at the bottom. they wanted to make sure nothing was damaged at the campfire so we dropped the lower branches first

Setting Up

Perfect crotch to cut most the limb from

Start small
What a great Day !

autumn color, early sun, blue sky... days like this are rare !!


Aaron's better side

But the picture is nice


Now This is FAITH!

Cutting the branch your standing on... is this smart?


Moving up

Starting on the higher branches



Can't get my spike in and my flip line is down ... not good!

Final Level
Beautiful Autumn Color
Beautiful Autumn Color


The tree is ready to drop now. All lower branches are removed.

Too relaxed!

There is still work to do .

Finally down

All obstacles missed



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Last Modified : 05/28/09 10:31 PM 

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